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Service update 2021-01-13
Caitlin McCabe
Service update 2021-01-13
- Advanced notice: In the next release there will be a change in the Zoom and Webex meeting import feature which is explained in Learn About the Zoom and Webex Meetings Import Options. Panopto recommends that customers who have enabled "Only allow Zoom Meetings from LTI Pro or with a valid folder mapping" to review this article.
- Fixed an issue where thumbnails generated via Smart Chapters were missing after merging the video with another video.
- Fixed an issue where processing could fail on video content with very little movement.
- Fixed an issue where uploaded videos with non-square pixels could lead to aspect ratio distortions when the content is used in a clip.
- Added the ability to specify which origins should be allowed to call the Panopto API from within a browser to enhance cross-origin request security. A Panopto administrator can add these restrictions by going to "Settings" → "Security", and then setting the "OnlyAllowCORSRequestsFromKnownOrigins" site setting to "true", and adding their origin(s) to the "AllowedPublicAPICorsOrigins" list. Please note: this will block cross-origin requests in a browser from any other origin.
- Fixed the captions embedded in downloadable podcasts to now include all available languages rather than just the default language.
- Fixed an issue where content with a large number of streams could fail to publish due to a media packaging failure.
- Fixed an issue where if Capture was open in two different tabs, uploading a recording could fail.
- Added text labels and tooltips in Capture to improve usability.
- Fixed an issue where clips were not correctly ordered when there were multiple clips at the same timestamp.
- Fixed an issue where clip start time was not calculated correctly if the start time overlapped with another clip.
- Fixed an issue in JavaScript Embed APIs where multiple videos embedded to the same page using the API didn't work correctly.
- Fixed a minor issue introduced recently where upload didn't work correctly in Internet Explorer 11.
- Fixed an issue where administrators were able to merge a tag with itself leading to the tag getting deleted.
Version: 10.1.0