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Getting chat/discussion entries from RTMP event via SOAP/REST API
in API
is it possible to get the entries or notes from a discussion in live events via the SOAP or REST-API? I found a method called getNote in ISessionManagement from the SOAP-Api ( but i think that's not the right one.
In the REST Api i haven't found anything that meets my requirements.
Many thanks for the help.
Hi Mathias,
We do have an endpoint on our SOAP API endpoint that can get the public notes for a session. The ListNotes endpoint will return all of the public notes for a session, as well as any private notes for the user calling the API.
Unfortunately we do not currently have a way to get the discussion entries using either the SOAP or REST public APIs. That is something we may add in the future.
Please let me know if you have any other questions.
I created a feature request for this
SOAP or REST API for discussion for live webcast events
Bye for now,