Please note: All new registrants to the Panopto Community Forum must be approved by a forum moderator or admin. As such, if you navigate to a feature that is members-only, you may receive an error page if your registration has not yet been approved. We apologize for any inconvenience and are approving new members as quickly as possible.
Service update 2021-02-26

Service update 2021-02-26
Please note: The North American and Canadian clouds will be updated after business hours on Feb. 26th, 2021.
- Subscriptions We are pleased to announce that the Subscriptions feature is no longer in beta and generally available. Subscriptions are off by default but can be turned on by using the setting “Enable Subscriptions." Users can subscribe to content owners and tags, as well as specific folders. This allows them to curate the content they care about the most. Once a user starts following a person, tag, or folder, any videos associated with the subscribed entity will show up on their homepage. A user can manage all their subscriptions from the Subscriptions page or from their User Settings:
- Added video owner information to the Subscription list view. This allows users to check if they are subscribed to the owner of a particular video and subscribe if they are not.
- Added the ability to drag and drop videos to the subfolders in the folder view. This makes it easier for users to organize videos in subfolders:
- Fixed an issue where the automatic captions generated some inappropriate words.
- Fixed a bug where short sentences at the end of automatic captioning output could be omitted.
- Fixed an issue where video owners in assignment folders were blocked from uploading captions.
- Fixed an issue with request access emails for content in assignment folders, where members of the folder would be emailed with the request if the original owner has lost access to the folder.
- Fixed an issue with request access emails where, if the original owner of the session has been downgraded from creator to viewer access on the folder, they will still get a (non-functional) request access email.
- Fixed an issue where usage reports around session creation would fail to properly label the stream source of content created via RTMP. This content will not have the stream source type of "RTMP."
- Fixed an issue where a second folder for Zoom/Webex Meetings imports for an end user was created or a meeting was saved in the system's default folder under very rare condition.
- Fixed an issue where a user got redirected to the Panopto home page when using a SAML provider to log into an embedded session if the SAML provider had "Bounce Page Blocks iframes" set to "true".
- Fixed an issue where, upon user deletion, remote recorder registration keys associated with that user would not properly reassigned to the user who performed the account deletion.
- Added a message in Panopto Capture, where a user is warned if any stream is smaller than 64x64 pixels. This can happen in rare situations due to a browser or device issue.
- Fixed a recent regression where webcasts didn't play correctly on iOS devices.
- Fixed a recent regression where the 'Batch Create Groups' UI was broken.
Version 10.4.0