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Add images to quiz questions

I'd like to be able to put an image in my quiz question. Currently, I can make a slide that shows the image(s), and then insert the corresponding question as a quiz right after it, but that is a very clunky solution and really only works for fairly simple images.
Hi @David Howard - Good feedback! Related, I wanted to share that we now integrate with H5P and I believe they have this option. Thanks. -Dave
Hey Dave,
Yep, we're using the H5P integration. But we definitely have people who would prefer not to have to use another tool...
Yes, this would be a useful feature to have if one wanted to do a quiz on a specific part of the video / wanted to use a previous slide as a prompt.
Yes. This and formulas as well. If YuJa, Echo 360, and others can do it, Panopto can do it.
We have got a lot of request about equations. So that the teacher can put in equations as a question and the students can answer with an equation.
YEs, that is a good idea. Especially in some disciplines, questions tend to be derived from visual representations.
Yes, and be able to add LaTeX equations to quiz questions would go along way for STEM!