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Add Parent Folder to Location column in Everything view.
Jeremy Smith
Whiz Kid
As an admin this would be really helpful…
On the Everything page, there's a long list of recordings that come in through Zoom and for all of them, Location field at the far right is just "Meeting Recordings" although each one is in a different person's Personal Folder. So it would be good if that field also listed the parent folder too so it might for example say "unified\jsmith\Meeting Recordings" which is, in my case, ParentFolder\CurrentFolder
Oh, I really like the hover text: "...unified\espey | Meeting Recordings"
In some locations, the text will get lengthy, but this would be a good addition to the platform.
I forgot to specify I am looking at it in 'List View' so there's a ton of space between the left side recording title and the right-side "Location" column - perfect for adding in the parent folder title