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Web UI Icons for quizzes, PDF's, etc

Closed captioned sessions have a CC icon that makes it easy to know which sessions have captions.
It would be helpful to have icons for sessions that have quizzes, PDF's, webpages and slides.
Having the option to show the record date in the grid view and preview image list view would also be very helpful.
Also wondering if it would be helpful to have an icon showing if a session or folder has been shared in an LMS or anywhere else, embedded in a webpage, etc? Maybe this would be more helpful for admins?
I think having an identifier for sessions with quizzes is a great idea.
Additionally, having a record of where something has been shared would be super helpful! For the LMS you could pull that from the LTI launch and build out a list (or in the session logs). You could also repurpose the context groups that are created when embedding with the LTI to have the name of the group be the location in the LMS. For the other locations around the web, you could pull it from web traffic or even use oEmbed to collect where players are being embedded (please add oEmbed).
These seem a lot like pre-defined system tags. If we could then search for these using those "system tags", that would be nice. Then I could answer questions like "Which sessions don't have a transcript?" "Which sessions have quizzes?" "Which sessions have discussions?"
Instead of an icon showing if a session has been shared in an LMS or webpage would it make more sense or be easier to add that info in analytics?