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Permission to edit a shared video
in General Q&A
Is there a way for me to give someone I've shared a video with permission to also edit the video? I cannot find a way to do this. Thanks.
Nope. You have to grant creator rights at the folder level, not on videos themselves.
This means you have to either add them as a creator to the current folder, or create a new folder, grant them creator rights there, and copy or move the video there.
Very frustrating limitation which comes up at least once a week.
@Tim Ray does your organization use Custom Roles? I believe this is still in beta but I recently found a way to give someone editing permission to individual sessions in a folder. It needs more testing but looks like it works.
@Tim Ray It looks like you may be using Panopto Basic or Pro. If this is the case, then at this time, there is not a way to allow others to edit the videos in your account.
If you are using Panopto Enterprise, you are able to provide this access by sharing a folder with an additional Creator or perhaps by using custom roles as Brian pointed out.
I appreciate all the input and help, everyone! We are using Pro. :-( Would love to be able to make this happen in the future, if this can be tweaked.
@Tim Ray Since this is a feature you'd like to see in the future, I recommend going to the Help menu in Pro and selecting Submit feedback. This will let you send an email that will be seen by the team working directly on Pro - we are always looking for ways to make the Pro experience even easier to use.