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Sessions with closed captions

in General Q&A
Hello everyone,
i'm wondering if is there a way to understand how many sessions in my media library include closed captions.
I had the same question a while back. I recommend you file a Panopto ticket requesting a report for captioned sessions. I requested the file and it provided the necessary data whether a session was captioned.
Hi Elba!
Really appreciated.
@Elaine Mello @[email protected] You can actually generate a report for this right in Panopto. If you go to the Caption Requests interface you can download a report based on the provider you are after, or for all captions. This report will include ASR, human, and captions imported via a file. I don't believe it will include those that manually typed out a caption file in the GUI, but I haven't come across anyone who has actually done that from scratch.
@Michael Espey yes, you're right!
Thanks a lot