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Panopto Mobile App Update (2021-06-02)

Panopto Mobile App Update 2021-06-02
Note: This Release Note applies to the Mobile app, version 1.2.1., which was released to Apple Appstore and Google Play on June 2nd, 2021.
- Fixed an issue where the keyboard didn't close after searching in the app.
- Fixed an issue where, in some cases, the video paused after returning from the background.
- Added the ability to change titles and descriptions for users with creator access to videos.
- Recent uploads are now displayed in a carousel and listed on the 'My Stuff' tab.
- Fixed an issue where the app could get stuck trying to launch a public session.
- iOS and Android will now show play controls on the lock screen and in the command center while background audio is playing.
- Variable play speed is now maintained when switching to and from background audio.
- Muted background audio no longer drains the battery on iOS.
- Recordings made in the app can now be exported to the device media library.
- You can now share videos you have Creator access to from the app.
- Opening the command center on iOS will no longer cause the player to hide and reload.
- Made performance improvements to background audio playback to consume less battery and data.
- Added a percentage indicator for the processing stage after upload to Panopto is finished.
- Fixed an issue where, in some cases, a webcast would freeze when playing in the app.
- Added an indication in the app if there is no connectivity on the device.
- Added a warning banner for devices running Android 10 or lower as they impose a 4GB recording size limit. Workaround: Upgrade the device to Android 11 or newer.
- Fixed an issue where offline video downloads didn't complete in the background.
Mobile App Version 1.2.1.