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Partial Service Disruptions for Blackboard Customers using Chrome 91

in Bug Reports
Panopto observes that this issue no longer occurs after a minor Chrome update (unannounced by Google). Panopto continues to work with Blackboard to prepare for a time when Chrome reapplies the same cookie handling change that caused this issue. We will post additional information in this forum as we go.
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Previously posted workaround:
1. On your Panopto site, click on "System" > "Identity Providers"
2. Find your Blackboard Identity Provider and click "Edit" at the bottom
3. Select the "Bounce page Blocks iframes" checkbox
4. Hit "Save"; Repeat as necessary for additional Blackboard Identity Providers
Panopto confirmed that Chrome reverted the new behavior which caused this issue by version 91.0.4472.101.
Its release notification is here:
And the bug fixed by this release is here:
Note that the Chrome team reverted this on a temporary basis because they think this is the desired behavior. They still plan to re-enable this in the undetermined future. Panopto continues to work with Blackboard to find a solution that may work even if Chrome team reenables this feature without any adjustment.