Welcome to the Panopto Community

Please note: All new registrants to the Panopto Community Forum must be approved by a forum moderator or admin. As such, if you navigate to a feature that is members-only, you may receive an error page if your registration has not yet been approved. We apologize for any inconvenience and are approving new members as quickly as possible.

Subscribing to Forum Categories

Want to stay aware of when new posts and/or comments are added to a specific category on the Panopto Community Forum? Here's how!

  • Open the category you want to subscribe to, and select the bell icon that appears under its name:
  • Once selected, a drop-down menu will appear with the following options.
    • Follow: Follow the category without receiving email notifications. This also allows you to filter the Recent Discussions list.
    • Discussions: Receive notifications on any new posts made to the category
    • Discussions and Comments: Receive notifications on any new posts, or comments on posts, made in the category
    • Unfollow: If you already follow the category, but wish to stop following it, select this option.

To adjust whether you receive an email notification or just a pop-up notification that appears when you are in the forum:

  • On the bell drop-down menu in the category, select the Adjustment icon in the upper-right corner:

  • Alternatively, you can also navigate to and select your profile/avatar icon in the upper right-hand corner (which may be an emoji icon or the photo that you chose for yourself). Select Edit Profile and then, in the upper right corner, select Notification Preferences.
  • In Followed Categories, select the checkbox under Email, if you want to receive email notifications for that category. The option Popup will automatically be selected, and you will see pop-up notifications when you are in the forum for that category. Alternatively, you can deselect both checkboxes to disable notifications for that category.
  • Once you've made the above changes, select Save General Preferences in the upper-righthand corner.

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