Please note: All new registrants to the Panopto Community Forum must be approved by a forum moderator or admin. As such, if you navigate to a feature that is members-only, you may receive an error page if your registration has not yet been approved. We apologize for any inconvenience and are approving new members as quickly as possible.
Panopto 5.8 Service Update (Date: 2018-10-15)

Service update 2018-10-15
- Fixed an issue where the "Close" button was available on the ‘Manage’ page of the session modal during RTMP webcasts, which could lead to a later failure to process.
- Fixed an issue where the controls in session availability settings were laid out incorrectly.
- Fixed an issue in session logs where detailed recorder information was no longer displayed.
- Added the ability to include line breaks in quiz questions.
- Fixed an issue in the Remote Recorder grid layout where disconnected recorders did not display the correct ‘disconnected’ image.
- Fixed an issue where sharing a folder would sometimes fail when one of its subfolders had been deleted.
- Fixed an issue in the session list where an unexpected ‘touch-friendly’ control button was incorrectly shown to viewers, even when there were no actions available.
- Fixed an issue in the editor where quizzes with invalid times could not be saved.
- Fixed an issue with the ‘Users’ admin page, where "Added date" was not displayed for some users.
- Extended the “Default Folder Privacy” site setting to allow new folders to be automatically shared with “Anyone at your organization” or “Anyone at your organization with the link”.
- Fixed an issue where some sessions didn't appear in search results when searching by their Id.
- Fixed an issue where assignment folders would sometimes fail to close.
- Added an option to download unedited caption data. Please contact Panopto support to turn this option on for your site.
- Added an option to display a custom message to users accessing the ‘upload media’ workflow.
- Fixed a performance issue with folder sharing, session sharing, and user group membership modifications.
- Fixed an issue in the editor where playback didn't match what was expected, in some browsers.
- Fixed an issue with upload where, under high load, a file upload could fail to complete.