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Retention Policy to include "AND" statements
When creating a retention policy, it would be really helpful for our institution if the policy rules could audit two rules together, instead of separately.
Example: Delete anything that was created more than five years ago AND hasn't been viewed in more than a year.
Right now, these two policies rules don't work together, and the audit captures everything that falls into either category. Are we the only institution needing this? I also wonder how institutions are working around this current complication?
We implemented a policy that removes content that has been unused for four consecutive years, and it has been working well for us over the last year. I totally see that there is a need for more granularity in some situations, but we elected to keep it simple, and we will probably keep that.
thank you for your comments.
AND / OR statements for content retention policies will follow shortly with the next update to 11.1.