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Supported Versions Policy (2021-08-31)

Panopto's Supported Versions Policy has been updated.
It is listed below and can also be reviewed at Learn About the Supported Versions Policy:
Panopto's supported versions policy applies to all recorder clients (Panopto for Windows, Panopto for Mac, remote recorders) and any on-premises installation. The trailing timelines start when on-premise builds are made available to customers. On-premise builds will be available in the last week of April and the last week of October.
Support Details
- Panopto will provide full support for all versions in the trailing 24 months. This includes:
- Complete documentation on Panopto Support.
- Product defect tickets are pursued to a resolution if there is an unmitigated and severe application workflow issue.
- If a product defect is fixed in a more recent version of Panopto, the path to resolution is to upgrade to that version.
- Panopto will not provide support for any versions older than 24 months. This means:
- No further documentation will be added for that version on Panopto Support.
- Tickets will not be pursued, other than upgrading to a more recent version.