Please note: All new registrants to the Panopto Community Forum must be approved by a forum moderator or admin. As such, if you navigate to a feature that is members-only, you may receive an error page if your registration has not yet been approved. We apologize for any inconvenience and are approving new members as quickly as possible.
Panopto Mobile App Update 2021-13-09

Panopto Mobile App Update
- Distributed Recording: Users can now join in-progress or scheduled recordings as well as add a primary or a secondary stream to the recording.
- Added support for uploading videos from the iOS file system in addition to the media library.
- Added a user-friendly message that indicates any network issues that occur while playing a video in the app.
- Videos with captions will now display a Closed Captioning 'CC' icon to help users easily identify videos with captions.
- Added the ability for users with Creator access to delete their videos from within the app.
- Updated translated strings for all 15 supported languages for all new features.
- Fixed low severity security issues in the app.
- Fixed an issue where links for public videos didn't open correctly in the app for anonymous users.
- Fixed an issue where screen rotation didn't work correctly when screen rotation was locked for iPhone and iPad.
Version 1.3.0