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API SLowness...
in API
Trying to make the call to get back all Scheduled recording for a folder....
A folder with about 45 recordings takes about a minute to return.
A folder with about 200 recordings generally times out or takes over 8-10 minutes.
Is the API really this slow?
This is not expected and we may need some additional information in order to investigate this further for you. Can you please open a support ticket at so we can get some more detailed information from you?
Joe Malmsten
I do not see the ability to create a TICKET.....on the link you provided.
Hi @Robert Herbstzuber,
I hope that you are doing well. To expedite this and make things easier for you, I'm happy to submit a support ticket on your behalf as well as make your local Panopto administrator aware. Please keep an eye out for correspondence from our team.
Best wishes,
Hello I've talked to my panoptos admin about getting the ability to put in support tickets..
We have seen huge increases in timeouts this year, having been running the same processes and code for 4 years. Something is definitely amiss but support are just fobbing us off.