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Support for macOS 12 (Monterey)?

When will there be full support for macOS 12 on all chip architectures? Thanks!

Also, are there any known issues right now on the betas? Colleagues at my institution have some testing that's shown issues even installing in macOS 12.



  • Hi Adam,

    Apologies for the delay in my response. We do have a post regarding this, which we will continue to update when we can: Panopto for Mac Compatibility with macOS 12.

    Please let me know if you have any additional questions - we're always happy to help.

    Best wishes,


  • Hi Cait --- Is it possible to give any additional detail on the scope of this issue so we can communicate with users?

    For example, does this issue potentially affect all Mac users? Or is it specifically users who are on the M1 chip set?

    It would also be helpful to have some sense of the timeline for a fix ... are we asking staff to hold-off upgrading for days, weeks, or a longer window?



  • From the customer standpoint, it stinks that we can't reply to posts in the Bug Reports section. There's no way to ask further questions, provide our perspectives, share impacts, workarounds, etc.

    And this does seem like a pretty large issue. The Mac client was merely acceptable for a fairly long time, bad for a while, and almost unsupportable for the past year. (It's gotten so difficult to install and configure it correctly that I no longer even tell Mac users about the Panopto client and instead suggest they just record via Zoom.)

    And since Panopto Capture still doesn't work in Safari, I also don't suggest it.

    I'm no industry expert, but I think not providing a recording client for about 1/2 of your customers is a bad idea. Especially for a company focused on making it easy to recording and distribute video.

  • Hi @Gareth Walker,

    The issue we are tracking impacts all macOS 12 users (regardless of the chipset) and is only relevant to a crash that occurs when a user tries to stop a recording. If your users are experiencing something other than this, please have them contact Support for assistance.

    We are actively working on stabilizing Panopto for Mac on macOS 12 (Monterey) and expect an update in the next few weeks.

    Best wishes,


  • Thanks for the update Cait, that's helpful to understand.

    To pick-up some of the comments Charles has made, the past few weeks have underscored the issues we're seeing as an institution in terms of Panopto's support for Apple users -- which represent a sizeable minority of university staff, and a significant proportion among students.

    I think a couple of key things are:

    Desktop recorder --

    The original compatibility report linked to does not provide much information on the nature of the issue, and Panopto's advice is to avoid upgrading. We've therefore advised all staff to this effect. You've now added some very helpful detail, to the effect that this will affect all Monterey users regardless of chipset but it sounds like the scope of the issue may be relatively narrow.

    On that basis it sounds like we could provide more nuanced guidance to our users ("you can upgrade but be aware that you may need to avoid this") -- especially as it seems like an update to the Mac application will be some time away. But it is a little hard to evaluate whether Panopto are confident this is the extent of the issue, or if it's just what you've so far seen subject to wider usage.

    From my perspective it would be really helpful if Panopto could be more transparent and more detailed in the information you're providing on these compatibility issues, and that you are making sure these Bug reports are updated so we have a better sense of the nature of the issue, the potential time to resolve, etc.

    In a situation where we have hundred of staff users and thousands of student viewers, we're not in a position to do especially subtle messaging, and we desperately need to minimise situations where staff could upgrade and encounter issues that require some amount of untangling, reporting, investigating, etc. Our staff are busy educators who just want their software to "work", and our technical support teams are likewise invariably thinly stretched. More detail and transparency would really empower us to make better informed choices within our institutions in the advice we give our users.

    Safari --

    I don't want to go too much into the weeds on this, but as it has come at the same time: As a baseline, a very high proportion of our Panopto-related user tickets continue to be related to issues with Safari. The (under-publicised?) introduction of token-based authentication has helped a little but ultimately not a great deal, as we continue to use the Panopto folder view as standard within our VLE.

    Obviously over the past few days Panopto rolled out an update that made the platform essentially unusable for Safari users for several days, which in turn precipitated the inevitable upsurge in tickets for our support teams.

    It continues to entirely baffle our end-users that Safari is not more robustly supported; and it is increasingly challenging within our institution to offer a reasonable explanation of this, when these challenges have been so long-standing. I'll repeat here what I've often said to our partnership manager and others: at my institution, no amount of new features or developments to Panopto's existing user-facing functionality would currently take higher priority over more reliable performance in Safari.

  • Hi @Charles Barbour and @Gareth Walker,

    Thank you both for your feedback regarding this - I will share it with the team so that it can be addressed.

    Best wishes,


  • Hi All,

    Support for macOS 12 (Monterey) has been added with Panopto for Mac (Version 11.0.0): Panopto for Mac Update 2021-11-02.

    If you have any additional questions, please let me know.

    Best wishes,


  • Hi @Cait McCabe ,

    Thanks! One of our techs performed some basic testing on his macOS 12 machine, which worked; however he did note: "One thing I found interesting is that downloading from uni.hosted.panopto.com, it says "For macOS 10.14 and up", while the page you linked above specifically states that 10.14 is no longer supported."

    The page linked was: https://community.panopto.com/discussion/1414/panopto-for-mac-update-2021-11-02



  • Hi @Jeffrey Ries,

    Thank you for letting me know. I passed this information along, and have been informed that this will be corrected soon.

    Best wishes,


  • Thanks @Cait McCabe.

    The same Tech just noticed that the recorder download from our Panopto System (uni.hosted.panopto.com) is version 10.2; which would maybe explains why it is saying "For macOS 10.14 and up".

    Where do we get Panopto for Mac version 11.0 or above?



  • @Cait McCabe or others,

    Where can we get/download Panopto for Mac version 11.0 or above?



  • Hi @Jeffrey Ries,

    Sorry for the delay in my response. I'm going to submit a support ticket on your behalf so that we can assist you with this - please keep an eye out for correspondence from our team on this matter.

    Best wishes,


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