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Panopto Recorder Light Button Service 3.1.0
Panopto Recorder Light Button Service 3.1.0
Official GitHub release page for this version
This is the latest release of the Panopto Recorder Light Button Service.
This version works with Panopto Remote recorder and Panopto for Windows, both version 9 and above, running on Windows 10.
Panopto provides direct support for the released binary package for Delcom light devices and Kuando light devices based on your support contract. Please contact Panopto Support through your organization's designated support contacts.
Swivl provides direct support for Swivl devices.
Serial device is no longer supported.
Below is the list of updates from the previous release (3.0.1):
- Added support for Kuando Busylight Alpha Model 2 and Busylight Omega Model 2.