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Product & Service Update [2021-11-18] including Stereo Histograms for Remote Recorders

Product & Service Update 2021-11-18
Please note: This update will be applied at the end of business hours on Nov 18th for North America, Canada, and European clouds and the end of business hours on Nov 19th for the Asia-Pacific and Australia clouds.
- Added support for stereo histogram previews from compatible Remote Recorders. Please note: This functionality will only be available with Panopto Remote Recorder (RR) versions 11.0.0 or higher. Currently, 3rd party remote recorders do not support the stereo histogram but may add support in the future.
- Fixed an issue where search in Japanese failed to find some videos.
- Added a new column for the most recent view time in the folder usage report.
- Added the ability to add or remove users from user groups managed by an external Identity Provider. Users may be automatically added back in or removed again when the user's permissions are synced with their external Identity Provider in the future if their permissions are not modified there, as well.
- Fixed an issue where the mobile "Remote control" Remote Recorder listing could fail to show all or many of the remote recorders.
- Fixed an issue where viewing analytics were not properly displayed for videos optimized for single-stream viewing when viewed in the embed viewer.
Version 11.10