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Panopto for Windows version 11
It appears that Panopto for Windows version 11 ( is now available (when I opened Panopto Recorder on my Windows 10 machine, it informed me of this new version); however I don't see any announcement nor releases notes for this release.
Did I miss the announcements?
Even the help documentation (
"To learn more about the most recently released version of Panopto for Windows, please visit our Recorder Client Updates Forum ("
to is no longer going to the forum.
Hi Jeffrey,
My apologies for the delay on these notes getting posted - and thank you for alerting me to the broken link! The release notes are available at Panopto for Windows and Remote Recorder Update 2021-11-19 and the link in the documentation has been updated.
If you have any additional questions, please feel free to ask - we're always happy to help.
Best wishes,
Thanks Cait.
One follow-up question... So it appears there are just a few bug fixes in latest Panopto for Windows Recorder version, but it jumped from version 9 to version 11. Is that just to match the version of Panopto on the server?
@Jeffrey Ries Apologies for the delay, Jeffrey - Yes, the new version number is meant to match the server version.