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Accessing CourseID from Blackboard in Panopto

edited December 2021 in Blackboard

Hello, I just have a few question in regards to integrating Blackboard with Panopto,

1) Can a courseID from Blackboard be passed to Panopto as a folder property when the folder is created

2) Can the edit link on the Panopto folder name be hidden to all users

3) Is the Link to Panopto folder action in Blackboard configurable to add the courseID


Best Answers

  • Caitlin McCabeCaitlin McCabe Administrator
    edited December 2021 Answer ✓

    Hi Daniel,

    Apologies for the delay in our response. Regarding your first question, we do not have a way to include the Course ID in the folder name currently but would urge you to consider submitting a feature request for this: New Feature Request.

    For your second and third questions, these options are not yet available; however, there are two existing, related feature requests. I will add your organization to these requests to indicate interest in the features, and so that your local Panopto administrator(s) is made aware of any progress made. I'll also let them know that you are interested in these items, so that they can connect with you directly regarding them.

    If you have any additional questions, please feel free to let me know - we're always happy to help!

    Best wishes,


  • Jeffrey RiesJeffrey Ries Crackerjack
    Answer ✓

    Hi @Daniel Bidemi -

    We do get the Bb Learn Course ID in our default Panopto folder names that are created via the integration.

    We are on Blackboard Learn Saas with Ultra Base Navigation but Original Course View. We are using the "Panopto Connector" Building Block version 2021.6.1.

    The default value of our Panopto folders is: [Course ID]: [Course Name].


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