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Reference Videos and Retention Policy
in General Q&A
My organization uses a retention policy that will delete any videos not played in the last three years. When someone plays a reference video copy does that playback also affect the original video. In other words, if the reference video has been played multiple times in the three year period but the original video has not, will the original video be deleted?
Hi Carrie,
Original videos with existing and active reference copies are exempt from archival/retention policies. If you have any more questions, please let us know - we're always happy to help!
Best wishes,
Hi Cait,
Please note that we would like to have further clarification about this. Kindly can you please let us know what is understood by 'active reference copies'?
At our institution, we archive the course areas within our LMS for 5 years, so each academic year, every course has a new area within the LMS (rather than a roll-over). Subsequently, our courses are labelled as ABC1234-1819, ABC1234-1920, ABC1234-2021, ABC1234-2122, etc. We also have an archival / retention policy within Panopto such that the recordings of a course will remain available for two academic years.
Hence, now, if we consider the following example, where a tutor copies Panopto recordings from 1819 to 1920, and the following year from 1920 to 2021, and then in the following years, he no longer copies recordings as new ones are required to be created. With our set Panopto archival / retention policy, will the 1819 recording eventually be archived / deleted or since there are reference copies it will be maintained infinitely?
Thank you in advance.
@Naomi Mifsud If a video is reference-copied from year to year, then the original will not be archived as long as the reference copies have not been archived.
If a reference copy is 2 years beyond its creation date (this sounds like the content retention policy you have set) and has not been reference copied again, then the reference copy will be archived. And after that, if no more reference copies exist that are not archived/deleted (active), the original video will also be able to be archived.
Thank you for this information Kathryn.