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Panopto Moodle Plug-in (Date: 2019-08-15)

Panopto Moodle Plug-in
Official Github release page for this version:
Official link to this version:
This is an optional version of the Panopto plug-in for Moodle. Update to this version if you are affected by any of the problems described below.
This version supports (a) Moodle 3.5, 3.6, and 3.7, and (b) Panopto version 5.6.0 or later.
- Fixed an issue where extremely long error log was generated.
- Fixed an issue where users could get directed to their personal folder instead of the course folder when using a Panopto button plug-in while not logged into Panopto.
- Fixed an issue where error log of provisioning courses may have had wrong information.
- Updated the privacy provider to support phpunit privacy test. Note that the handling of privacy is unchanged by this version.