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Panopto button for TinyMCE (Moodle) 2019070100 (Date: 2019-08-15)

Panopto button for TinyMCE (Moodle) 2019070100

Official Github release page for this version: https://github.com/Panopto/Add-Panopto-Video--button-for-moodle-tinyMCE-editor/releases/tag/2019070100

Official Moodle.org link to this version: https://moodle.org/plugins/pluginversion.php?id=19890

This is the latest version of Panopto button for TinyMCE plug-in.

  • Fixed an issue where the button failed to bring up video chooser with HTTP 500 response when the course is not provisioned to Panopto.
  • Removed the server option in the Settings page. The button now automatically detects the target Panopto server based on the provisioning information.

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