Impact of Zoom API update on 2022-03-01

On March 1, 2022, Zoom will release an update that restricts email information access for Zoom Meeting Participants through the Zoom API, which is explained more by Zoom API email address display rule.
This update does not affect most aspects of Panopto's Zoom meeting import integration. Especially, all the meetings which are imported as of today will continue to be imported and placed in the same folders.
However, this will prevent Panopto from receiving the email address of guest participants and will cause the following features to not work for guest participants.
Note that guest participants are those who are not members of your Zoom account or those who joined a meeting without signing in to the Zoom. Zoom's document above explains a few rare exceptions, for example, when a participant joined from an invitation which Zoom's Outlook or Google calendar integration created.
Automatic Sharing with participants
Your Panopto site may be configured to enable the two features below by your site administrator. These features will no longer work for guest participants since Panopto will not be able to map Zoom guest participants to Panopto users nor know the email address of these participants.
Add Meeting Participants for sharing
A Panopto end user who owns the imported video (typically the meeting host) may share the video to the meeting participants by clicking the “Add Meeting Participants” button on the Share screen. This will no longer include Zoom guest participants.
Discussion Notifications
Panopto users may receive a notification if someone responds to his/her message in the Discussion section. Panopto Zoom integration imports in-meeting chat as the discussion of Panopto video. However the guest participants are not mapped to Panopto users after this update and these notification will no longer be delivered for in-meeting chat messages.
Recommended guidance
To get the best experience out of the Panopto Zoom Integration after Zoom's change, we recommend encouraging users to always log into Zoom with their Zoom User Account before joining their Zoom meetings. This will ensure that the user will not be handled as guest participants.
Zoom has an option to require authentication to join each meeting. Meeting hosts may configure this option to be turned on for each meeting to ensure guest participants may not join.
Lastly, Zoom administrators may configure the option to enforce authentication with Zoom before joining meetings so that only authenticated Zoom users join their meetings.