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Service Update 2022-02-24

Service Update 2022-02-24
Please note: This update will be applied at the end of business hours on Feb 24 for the North America, Canada, and European clouds and the end of business hours on Feb 25 for the Asia-Pacific and Australia clouds.
- Updated behavior for caption requests to allow existing Automatic Machine Captions on a video to be automatically replaced when new captions are ordered for the same language. This behavior can be controlled by a new setting, "Captioning - Overwrite Behavior," which defaults to allowing Automatic Machine Captions to be replaced with new captions. Panopto administrators can change this setting to not allow captions to be automatically replaced, replace only Automatic Machine Captions, or allow any existing captions on a session to be replaced. Note that replacing existing captions will delete those captions before importing the new captions.
- Modified the UI on the Folder Overview tab for an individual folder to hide Course Copy V2 fields that do not contain any information.
- Changed the "Show Logo" checkbox to default to "true" in the options when embedding Panopto videos, except when "Enable branding on embedded viewer" has been explicitly disabled.
- Improved the German translation of "on" for repeated scheduled recordings.
- Improved several Japanese translations.
- Addressed an iPad OS change where Safari on iPad was incorrectly recognized as a Panopto Capture compatible browser.
- Fixed an issue where slides from a clip were displayed for the entire video duration if the host video didn't have any slides.
- Fixed an issue with editing quizzes within some copied videos where changes to the quiz were not saved.
- Fixed an issue where end-users were not able to opt-in or opt-out Zoom and WebEx meeting import if two settings ("Allow users to specify their default folder" and "Allow users to specify a folder for specific meetings using meeting ID") were unchecked.
- Fixed an issue where Zoom user email addresses with some special characters were not recognized.
- Fixed an issue with Course Copy V2 affecting Canvas, D2L, Blackboard Ultra, and Moodle where a video that was embedded in multiple courses would only copy the video for the first course that Course Copy V2 was run on.
- Fixed an issue that would cause Panopto to display the login page when using token-based authentication in cases where the site was set to look at the last Identity Provider used for login or was set with a default Identity Provider.
- Fixed an issue where videos marked as public could require users to log into Panopto when the video was embedded in an LMS with the Identity Provider instance name in the query parameters.
- Fixed an issue that could cause students to be unable to view video assignments submitted in a course's "Student Submission" folder if the video was submitted from a folder other than the course's "Assignment" folder. Students were still able to submit the video and view the submission in the LMS but would not see the video in Panopto.
- Fixed an issue with Course Copy V2 in Moodle that would cause it to automatically trigger Course Copy V2 jobs when a course was copied, even if the Course Copy V2 setting was set to "Enable manual copy of videos from original course."
- Fixed an issue that in rare cases could cause students to become owners of the course user groups. This would only apply if the student was the first to click on an LTI link for a folder in Panopto, and the course had not already been provisioned.
Version 12.3