Please note: All new registrants to the Panopto Community Forum must be approved by a forum moderator or admin. As such, if you navigate to a feature that is members-only, you may receive an error page if your registration has not yet been approved. We apologize for any inconvenience and are approving new members as quickly as possible.
Service Update 2022-03-10

Please note: This update will be applied at the end of business hours on Mar 10th for the North America, Canada, and European clouds and the end of business hours on Mar 11th for the Asia-Pacific and Australia clouds.
- Updated the behavior for Zoom recordings with a personal meeting ID. Previously, these meetings may have been imported to LMS course folders even if not scheduled by Zoom LTI Pro. Panopto will now ignore the course information attached to any recordings with a personal meeting ID, and they will be imported according to the settings configured for other Zoom meetings.
- Updated the encoding configuration for video podcasts to stop producing an unused media format, HLS. Began to delete old video podcast files in this format, for cases where the files could no longer be accessed via Panopto’s UX or APIs. Note: Video podcasts in the mp4 format are unaffected by this change. The user experience in Panopto’s embed viewer is also unaffected by this change.
- Updated behavior to break inheritance and copy access from the parent folder when the publisher approval workflow is enabled on an inheriting subfolder, to prevent a bug where the current user could be added as a publisher on the parent.
- Mitigated an issue where slides were not displaying correctly if a video began with a clip. Note that this will temporarily re-introduce an issue fixed in a prior release where slides from a clip were displayed for the entire video duration if the host video didn't have any slides.
- Improved testing to ensure that content retention tooling will count all video views, even those that have no playback duration.
- Reduced the low-quality versions available for viewers on videos unwatched for a long period of time.
- Improved some French and German translations in the portal interface.
- Fixed an issue where the 'Sharing - Assignment Folders' site setting was not respected when sharing via API.
- Fixed an issue where searching for groups with square brackets in the name resulted in a broken experience.
- Fixed an issue where custom preview images could not be set on some copied videos.
- Fixed an issue where the time displayed in the content retention settings could be incorrect due to a mismatch in the local and server time zones.
- Fixed an issue where archived reference copies could not be restored from the viewer.
- Fixed an issue where the Panopto app for Microsoft Teams showed an error page if a Panopto video was played back from an activity notification and the user had not yet signed into Panopto.
- Fixed an issue where the Zoom integration could go into a disconnected state under very rare conditions even though the connection did not have a problem.
- Fixed an issue with the Student Submission workflow in D2L, Moodle, and Blackboard Ultra where choosing an existing video to submit could default to the "Everything" view instead of the course assignment folder.
- Fixed an issue where existing captions could not be overwritten if a folder was set to automatically caption new sessions.
- Fixed an issue with the Course Copy options on the Identity Provider settings page that could cause the Course Copy option to display "Do not copy videos or grant permissions to original course's videos" instead of "Grant permissions to original course's folder" if a customer had Course Copy V1 enabled prior to the Panopto 12 release. This bug was related only to the display on the Identity Provider settings page, and Course Copy operations were still running as expected.
- Fixed an issue where updates to contact information on Panopto user accounts (not from an external identity provider) could fail to save.
- Fixed an issue where, while starting to play a video in the embed player, multiple seeks could occur before playback would begin.
Version 12.4