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Why are my videos never removed from the queue on the Panopto mobile app once I'm finished?
As a student, it is very frustrating to scroll through the lecture videos I have watched to find the videos that I have not watched. The Panopto app is very frustrating due to its "Continue Watching" feature consisting of all of the videos that I completed watching. In that tab, it shows that I have left videos incomplete, and I do not understand why this occurs. Can someone please help me fix this? I am not the only student who struggles with this issue, and the Helpdesk at my school did not help. This is a Panopto issue that I believe should be resolved.
Hi @Charlene C,
For a video to be removed from the "Continue Watching" section of the mobile app, the viewer must watch 100% of the video. If a viewer skips through parts of a video, or if the video isn't completely finished before a viewer exits the window, it will still show up under "Continue Watching" in the mobile app.
If you have watched a video the entire way through, and it is still not getting marked as complete, please let me know and I'll be happy to open a Support ticket on your behalf as well as will make your local Panopto administrator aware of this.
If you have any additional questions, please feel free to let me know - we're always happy to help!
Best wishes,