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Service Update 2022-03-24

Please note: This update will be applied at the end of business hours on Mar 24th for the North America, Canada, and European clouds and the end of business hours on Mar 25th for the Asia-Pacific and Australia clouds.
- Administrators are now able to create content retention policy rules to permanently delete archived videos. The matching criteria for archived videos can include video creation date, last viewed date, archived date, or content source. The Audit page also now includes a column to indicate whether a video is currently archived. For more information, please refer to How to Use Retention Tools
- Added a new public SOAP API: Panopto.Server.Services.PublicAPI.V46.Soap.ISessionManagement.GetAudioDownloadURL. This new API is a peer to the already extant GetVideoDownloadURL API. The new API will allow callers to retrieve a Url which can be used to download the audio-only encode of the video, should it exist.
- Modified upload behavior so that videos uploaded from third-party Remote Recorders or via the upload API that contain more than 50 streams will now be blocked and fail to publish.
- Updated behavior of the MobileOfflineViewing setting to block mobile podcast downloads outside of the Panopto apps even when the setting is enabled.
- Added the ability to search Audio Descriptions.
- Improved search response time in the entire video library or a specific folder.
- Improved the behavior of search within the Viewer interfaces when the user supplies multiple search terms
- Fixed an issue that could result in folders inheriting access from their parent folder but also being shared with additional users/groups.
- Fixed an issue where quiz results could not be downloaded for some video reference copies.
- Fixed an issue where video publishing could take considerably longer than usual due to transient processing failures.
- Fixed an issue with Canvas, Moodle, D2L, and Blackboard Ultra that could cause a folder to erroneously appear to have a Course Copy V2 job queued, even if the Identity Provider has the Course Copy Version set to "Enable manual copies of videos from original course."
- Fixed an issue that could cause the last human transcription request to show up under the "Available Captions" section of the Captions tab on video settings after automatic machine captions had been used to replace them.
- Fixed an issue that could cause new in-process captions requests to show up under the "Available Captions" section of the Captions tab on video settings if the new captions were overwriting existing captions.
- Fixed an issue affecting Canvas, D2L, and Blackboard Ultra that could cause students to be added to the Viewer group for videos embedded by other students from an assignment folder. This bug did not allow other students to view videos they did not own in the assignment folder but did add them to the Viewer group for that video if they had a link to it.
- Fixed an issue when provisioning D2L templates that had no courses in them if the D2L Identity Provider had "Copy course structure from LMS" set to "True."
- Fixed an issue with Course Copy V2 for D2L that would cause a Course Copy V2 job to be queued on a folder provisioned to a template instead of a course.
- Fixed an issue where videos uploaded from third-party Remote Recorders could fail to publish.
Version 12.5