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Is there an API to create Reference Copies?

Background: We are using the Panopto API to upload our recordings. In some cases, students in different Canvas courses (which create different folders inside Panopto) attend the same lectures. Currently, we handle this case by creating a hard copy of the video. We are interested in Reference Copies so that:

  • we can reduce the number of videos we upload to Panopto
  • we can reduce our usage hours


  1. Is there an API to create reference copies?
  2. This community post mentions that when creating a full copy from a reference copy, the processing doesn't start until an action such as edit, caption request, etc is performed. Is this true? The documentation mentions a processing delay but doesn't say user action is required to trigger the processing.


  • Kevin BaumKevin Baum Panopto Employee

    Hi Andrew,

    We do not currently have an API that can create reference copies, but it is something that we will be considering adding to the REST API in the future.

    As for your question on reference copies and full copies, are you referring to unlinking a reference copy to turn it into a full copy? If so, when you unlink the reference copy from its source, it will become fully separated from its source video and will be immediately viewable. If it's later edited, it will require additional processing as any other edited video, but shouldn't need any extra processing just by unlinking it from the source.

    Please let me know if you have any other questions.



  • Thanks Kevin, is there a feature request number we can track for this?

  • Thanks I have the feature request number, FR-5040, from our account manager.

  • Has there been any progress on creating an API to do reference copy?

  • Kevin BaumKevin Baum Panopto Employee

    Hi Douglas,

    Thank you for following up on the endpoint to create reference copies. We have not yet added that endpoint to our public APIs, but we do have that on our list for future development.

    Please let me know if you have any other questions.



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