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Service Update 2022-04-07

Service Update 2022-04-07
Please note: This update will be applied at the end of business hours on Apr 7 for the North America, Canada, and European clouds and at the end of business hours on Apr 8 for the Asia-Pacific and Australia clouds.
- Updated the Slack integration to use Slack's new app framework. This may break video link parser to some end users. For details, please see How to Set Up the Slack Integration: 6. Updates on April 8, 2022
- Added a new option to the Zoom meeting import feature to delete recordings on the Zoom cloud even if a recording has not been imported to Panopto (if, for example, an end-user deletes the corresponding Panopto video while it’s in the 'processing' state). This is an opt-in option that a Panopto admin needs to enable on the Zoom integration admin page.
- Improved the usability of the Diagnostics tab of the Zoom Integration admin page.
- Fixed an issue where restoring a scheduled recording from the recycle bin did not update the remote recorder's schedule, causing the remote recorder to skip the previously deleted recording.
- Fixed an issue where remote recorder administrators could not download the remote recorder installer.
- Fixed an issue where slides that were part of a clip would sometimes be displayed and then disappear from the viewer. This change also re-applies the fix for an issue where slides from a clip were displayed for the entire video duration if the host video didn't have any slides. Both changes will be rolled out gradually to monitor for further issues.
- Fixed an issue where videographers were not able to share viewer access to videos or folders.
- Fixed an issue where Microsoft Teams meetings imported from the Panopto administration UI did not have the channel name in the description.
- Fixed an issue where the Zoom integration under rare circumstances could be configured even when the user did not have sufficient privileges to do so.
- Fixed an issue with the Student Submission feature in Blackboard Original courses that could cause student submission to fail if the video name in Panopto had specific special characters in it.
- Fixed an issue with the Canvas integration that could cause folder names to be blank in some cases if the Canvas Identity Provider had "Rename folders in Panopto to reflect updated names in the LMS" set to true.
- Fixed an issue that could cause a failure to apply changes in the editor if a site was set to allow overwriting any existing captions ("Captioning - Overwrite Behavior" set to "Overwrite Any"), and a user attempted to import Automatic Machine Captions to replace existing Human Transcription captions.
- Fixed an issue that could cause Student Submission to fail if a site has "Sharing - Assignment Folders" set to false.
- Fixed an issue that could in rare cases allow an instructor to become the owner of a course or LTI embed user group in Panopto. All external groups will now only be created with "System" as the owner.
- Fixed an issue that could affect Canvas, Moodle, D2L, and Blackboard Ultra integrations that had enabled Course Copy V2 with the option to "Grant permissions to original course's folder," which would cause creator groups on the new course to receive creator permissions in the original course. In addition to fixing this bug, all affected groups have been reset to have the correct viewer permissions. This only affected creator groups; no viewer groups were given additional access to the source course folder.
- Fixed an issue with Course Copy V2 when set to "Enable manual copy of videos from original course" that would not show the option to manually copy a course if the new course was provisioned using LTI, due to incorrect metadata about how the folder was provisioned in Panopto.
- Fixed an issue that could cause Course Copy V2 operations to fail for Canvas, D2L, or Blackboard Ultra Identity Providers if a course was provisioned in Panopto using an LTI link.
- Fixed an issue with token-based authentication that could cause existing notes to not load properly in the embedded viewer.
- Fixed an issue when downloading quiz results that could result in an error if the quiz had no results, rather than returning an empty file.
- Fixed an issue where, when two Remote Recorders were linked together, removing the secondary Remote Recorder from the linking arrangement would delete all scheduled recordings associated with the linking. Instead, scheduled recordings that are still associated with the primary Remote Recorder will now be preserved.
- Fixed an issue in the viewer where multiple seek interactions would prevent further playback.
Version 12.6