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Service Update 2022-04-21
Caitlin McCabe
Service Update 2022-04-21
Please note: This update will be applied at the end of business hours on April 21st for the North America, Canada, and European clouds and the end of business hours on April 22nd for the Asia-Pacific and Australia clouds.
- Updated notification behavior so that users who restore videos from the archive will now always receive an email indicating that the restored videos are ready to view, regardless of their video processing notification setting.
- Modified the display of Stored Hours on the License Plan page to visualize the number of hours in the Recycle Bin, and to exclude any hours created by Panopto support engineers.
- Improved an error message when trying to map a Zoom meeting ID to a Panopto folder that has already been mapped by someone else.
- Updated the Panopto for Windows link in Moodle to download the 64-bit version rather than the 32-bit version by default.
- Fixed an issue where updating the thumbnail and deleting a stream in the editor on an unlinked reference copy would fail.
- Fixed an issue where Zoom chat messages which had some special characters were not imported.
- Fixed an issue that could cause course groups created by Canvas to not add the course name to the group name, if the group was deleted and then recreated.
- Fixed an issue that could allow human captions to be overwritten by a new set of human captions, even if "Captioning - Overwrite Behavior" was set to "Overwrite ASR Only," if Automatic Machine Captions were imported after the human captions were added.
- Fixed an issue with provisioning that could affect Canvas, Blackboard, Blackboard Ultra, D2L, and Moodle courses that had extremely long course names.
- Fixed an issue with Course Copy for Moodle where, when set to grant permissions to the original course folder, the publisher group permissions would not be copied from the target course to the source course.
- Fixed an issue with Moodle that could cause students to get stuck in a login loop if they attempted to insert a Panopto video in a Moodle course, but did not have creator permissions anywhere on the Panopto site. In this case, students will now see a proper error message rather than a login loop.
- Fixed an issue that could cause course groups and LTI groups to be created as public groups, even if "User Group Privacy Default" was set to true, if a course was provisioned through specific paths.
- Fixed an issue with the email list setting for the scheduled recording at risk notification where invalid email addresses could be configured.
- Fixed an issue in the embed viewer where the "Watch In Panopto" button was not styled correctly when in a disabled state.
- Fixed a viewer issue preventing the audio descriptions icon from appearing on Android devices.
Version 12.7