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Panopto Moodle plug-in 2019121000 (Date: 2018-12-11)

Panopto Moodle plug-in 2019121000
This is the Winter-2018 stable release of the Panopto Generation 2 plug-in for Moodle.
All users who still use the Generation 1 plugin (2017032401 or before) must upgrade to this version before March 15, 2019. Panopto will stop working with Generation 1 at that time. The upgrade from the Generation 1 plugin (2017032401 or before) to this version requires an additional operation after the plugin update. Please see this Panopto support page for more information:
This version of the plugin supports:
- Moodle 3.1, 3.4, and 3.5
- Panopto version 5.6.0 or later
- Panopto will soon test this with Moodle 3.6 and post the results to this page when testing completes.
This is the list of updates from the previous stable release (2018070900):
- New feature to mirror Moodle category structure to Panopto course folders. This feature is available with Panopto 6.0 and later
- Add a new setting to select the target Panopto server for the automatic provisioning of new courses, synchronizing permissions on login, and synchronizing categories when created or moved. In the prior version of the plug-in, the target was always the first server in the list
- Removed the logic to reprovision all courses in periodically scheduled job (cron job) which is not needed anymore
- Fixed misspellings in privacy declaration
- Fixed an issue where the plug-in may not work correctly with PHP 7.1
- Fixed an issue with service calls from the Moodle plug-in to the Panopto server where some calls did not happen over HTTPS
- Fixed an issue where the "Reinitialize all imports" button would not correctly function if a course had more than one import associated with it
This plug-in added new settings and a new button:
- The first setting allows admins to enforce Moodle category structure on Panopto folders. This is off by default
- The second setting allows mirroring of the parent category folders (up to the root category) when a new course is successfully provisioned in Moodle. This is off by default
- The new button "Sync all Moodle categories" creates and updates Panopto folder tree which reflects all categories in Moodle