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in General Q&A
On my new M1 Mac there is a user listed on the Fast Switch user menu list called panopto_upload. There is no such user listed in the User and Groups list of users. I have not installed Panopto on this computer. I have used it on my older intel-based Macs. Apple Support does not know how to get rid of this user. Does anyone know if this “user account” somehow related to the Panopto software and if so how to rid myself of this user account?
Hi @Michael Kazlow,
I saw your comment on the other post regarding this, and I believe this is something our Support team should investigate. To expedite things, I'll submit a Support ticket on your behalf and make your local Panopto administrator aware of this. Please keep an eye out for correspondence regarding this matter.
If you have any additional questions, please feel free to ask - we're always happy to help!
Best wishes,