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Can i add new languages in CC captions?
in General Q&A
Hi, I am wondering, if it would be possible for me to add new language names under the captions selection.
I am aware that there are several languages to choose from but i am missing languages like Arab, Turkish, Bulgarian and others.
I already have the correct text files translated in to these languages, but as i am not able to select these languages, i have to choose other wrong languages so far.
The best option would be if it could be possible for the user to define our own language names, so we can upload all language files wanted.
Hope you can help :-)
Best regards
Hi Torben,
I hope that you are doing well. At this time, Panopto only supports the languages listed in the dropdown menu you referenced in your post for captioning, which are also listed here: Supported Languages.
In terms of allowing users to upload their own language names, or adding in specific languages to captioning, I would suggest submitting a Feature Request for consideration.
If you have any additional questions, please feel free to ask - we're always happy to help!
Best wishes,