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Can You Make Fill In The Blank Quizzes Grade Based On Completion?
Hi! I was setting up some Panopto Quizzes on the few videos I have and I was looking to make a fill in the blank quiz question. I know you can put a correct answer in between underscores and it will grade it automatically but is there a way to set it so that any answer that is inputted is marked as correct (grading based off of participation instead of being correct). If not it is totally okay but I was looking online and could not find anything about this!
EDIT: I also realized that the other types of questions requires a "Correct answer". Is there any way to get these to grade based off of participation like I stated above?
Hi @Nick Kidd,
This is not an option with our quizzing feature currently - but would be a great feature request! Feel free to submit it here: New Feature Request to allow other users to chime in and vote on it.
If you have any other questions, please feel free to ask - we're always happy to help!
Best wishes,
Thank you for the help Cait!! I will make sure to throw that in the New Feature Request section!