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RTMP Live Stream Will Not Stop Recording

I sent a live RTMP feed to Panopto and stopped sending alomost 24 hours ago. I can see the video on Panopto, but cannot access it because I get the message: "Recording right now" . However I have stopped sending anything to it.

How can I get Panopto to stop thinking it is recording so that I can access the video?


  • Caitlin McCabeCaitlin McCabe Administrator

    Hi @Mark Anderson,

    This sounds like an issue for our Support team should look at. To expedite this matter, and make things easier for you, I'll submit a Support ticket on your behalf and let your local Panopto administrator know that you're experiencing this issue. Please keep an eye out for correspondence from our team on this matter.

    If you have any additional questions, please feel free to ask - we're always happy to help!

    Best wishes,


  • Hello Cailtlin,

    I am continuing to have the same issue with RTMP feeds that do not stop recording on Panopto. This ticket needs to be elevated. Please assist asap. I have recordings that believe they are still live even though they were done hours ago.

    Mark A.

  • Caitlin McCabeCaitlin McCabe Administrator

    Hi @Mark Anderson,

    Thank you for letting me know. I have followed up with our Support team on your behalf and they will be reaching out to you directly.


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