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Need workaround for identifying "public" videos and folders in organization Panopto site.

How do people access reports for "public" videos and folders? The Admin "Everything" window shows ALL THE VIDEOS in the university Panopto site -- public and not. That's not helpful as you can sort or filter.

I'd like to be able to run a report or at least filter "public" videos.

During a Panopto support chat, I asked if there was a way to generate a report for "public" videos. They said "no." Perhaps some of you have some creative ideas. Thank you!


  • Caitlin McCabeCaitlin McCabe Administrator

    Hi Elba,

    To view videos and folders that are set to "Public," you can log out of the Support site and navigate to your Panopto site to see what's still showing as available - these would be the videos and/or folders that are set to "Public." Although Panopto administrators are unable to run a report on videos that are set to "Public (unlisted)," Panopto Support can run a report on your behalf which lists these videos.

    If you have any additional questions, please feel free to ask - we're always happy to help!

    Best wishes,


  • Support has a query that they can run to generate this stuff. I use this report to send out notifications to users that they have media that is available to the public or anyone with an account. The support case that I had most recently for this report is 00747326.

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