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What are the File name restrictions ?
in General Q&A
Can anyone point me to info on any file name restrictions for Panopt uploads to the cloud ?
We have instances of a valid file name on a user's Mac being rejected when they try to upload.
It came back with a generic file error but after some investigating, it appears the name was too long.
Yes it was a ridiculously long name of a Blackboard Collaborate session downloaded from Moodle which was not shortened !
What ever the limit is, it appears shorter than the 255 odd characters on PC/Macs etc. We obviously ask our staff to shorten names, but they do sometimes just drag the long downloaded Collaborate Ultra recordings to Panopto.
Hi @Mark Robinson,
I checked with a colleague, and confirmed that it is 199 or less characters. If you have any more questions, please feel free to ask - we're always happy to help!
Best wishes,
Hi Caitlin,
Thanks for the info good to know. Obviously we recommend shorter but helpful to know the limit is less than the Mac OS can handle.
All the best,