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How do I import a Zoom Cloud Recording using the Panopto APIs?

The Panopto integration for Zoom seems to be doing some things during the content import that I'm not sure how to replicate using the Panopto APIs. So the components of this question:

  • What are the exact steps that the Panopto integration uses to create an imported Zoom recording?
  • For each step, what are the appropriate Zoom and Panopto API calls to achieve that result?
  • For each step, if the step cannot be accomplished with the Panopto API, is there a workaround? What functionality is not available as a result?

Best Answer


  • Following...

  • Joe MalmstenJoe Malmsten Panopto Employee


    Panopto's Zoom Integration is built to offer a great experience for customers with Zoom accounts to import their Zoom recordings into Panopto. For a list of all the features we offer please see our support document that discusses the features of the integration (https://support.panopto.com/s/article/How-to-Use-the-Zoom-Integration).

    Not all of the features of the Zoom Integration are supported through Panopto's API. Please reach out to your Panopto support contact with specific concerns you may have about the integration.


    Joe Malmsten

  • Please make all of the features of the Zoom Integration available through Panopto's API.

  • Adis HrnjicaAdis Hrnjica Crackerjack

    Hi Jonathan,

    Did you create this in the Feature Requests? ATM we don't have any APIs unfortunately to deal with Zoom integration.



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