Unable to set group name using the CreateExternalGroup Method (2019-04-30)

Original Post: Justin Roorda, April 30, 2019 at 6:07 PM
Hi there,
We are testing creating custom external groups for our folders and I noticed some strange behavior, we are having trouble setting the names of the folders via the API using IUserManagement.CreateExternalGroup.
Here is how we have structured the call:
string groupName = courseName + "--why wont this work--" + permssionLevel;
Guid[] userList = { };
PanoptoUserManagement.Group newGroup = userMgr.CreateExternalGroup(
, groupName
, membershipProvider
, externalID
, userList
Here is a sample of the values we are passing in:
However here is the response we get in return:
as one can see the name of the new group does not match the name string value we provided.
Then the new group appears in UI with the generated name not the provided one.
Please let me know if we are doing something wrong or if there is a better way of creating groups and controlling their names.
Hiroshi Ohno, Moderator, May 1, 2019 at 2:48 PM
Hello Justin,
CreateExternalGroup is designed for specific integration approach which Panpto applies to Moodle and Blackboard integrations. It does not work with internal Panopto ID provider.
I think you have some specific scenario/goal in your mind. Please open a support ticket or contact your customer success advocate to discuss further.