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Service Update 2022-10-27

Service Update 2022-10-27
Please note: This update will be applied at the end of business hours on Oct 27th for the North America, Canada, and European clouds and the end of business hours on Oct 28th for the Asia-Pacific and Australia clouds.
- Updated the swear word list for automatic speech recognition in English and Japanese.
- Streamlined URL encoding across the product.
- Fixed an issue where search did not work correctly when a query included "'s"
- Fixed an issue where it was possible for folders to inherit access from Student Submission folders.
- Fixed an issue where Student Submission folders were erroneously allowed to inherit access from the parent folder.
- Fixed an issue where, if any version of a video created with the Save As function was manually deleted from the recycle bin, all versions of that video were deleted.
- Fixed an issue where videos that are the source for reference copies or used as clips in other videos couldn't be archived, even if the referencing videos were already archived.
- Fixed an issue where videos containing a clip with a quiz could continue showing the quiz after the quiz was deleted from the clip.
- Fixed an issue with Canvas that could cause login failures due to the Canvas User ID being too large a number.
- Fixed an issue that could cause users to be unable to order captions on a video that already had imported Automatic Machine Captions and had a failed request to a human caption provider.
- Fixed a rare issue when provisioning courses from Canvas, D2L, or Blackboard Ultra that could cause a duplicate course folder to be created.
- Fixed an issue with Ensemble customers who had migrated to Panopto and were using the LTI redirection service which could erroneously cause new course folders to be provisioned for migrated courses.
- Fixed an issue where some thumbnails in the video library and editor did not have alt text for accessibility.
- Fixed an issue where importing the same Automatic Machine Captions twice in one editing session resulted in no captions being imported.
- Fixed an issue where the editor failed to save changes to a quiz with the browser language set to Japanese.
- Fixed an issue with accurately tracking video playback statistics for very short time spans.
- Fixed an issue with 360 video rendering in the interactive viewer.
- Fixed an issue where the secondary stream would stutter after seeking in the interactive viewer.
- Fixed an issue where the user's caption and volume playback settings were not preserved across page loads.
- Fixed an issue where the more menu would not appear in the embed viewer if user ratings were disabled.
Version 13.8.0