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Use Authenticated Url in Embed API

This question is a follow-up on an earlier question:

Now I want to use the Authenticated url I retrieved at the backend, on a page using the Panopto Embed API. As we can see on this page: Learn About Panopto Embed API you need to load the serverName and the SessionId in the code that creates the embedded player with which you can interact via Javascript. My Authenticated URL looks like this:

Which makes a round trip to the panopto server before playing the video. Is there any other way to use an authenticated url via the Embed API, for instance to create custom interactivities in a restricted environment?



  • Greg MathisGreg Mathis Panopto Employee

    Hi Erik,

    No, authenticated URLs can't be used with the Embed API to embed a restricted video such that the viewing user doesn't need to log in if they aren't already.

    Can you share some details about your use case so we can better understand whether there is a way to improve the user experience?

    How are users authenticated?

    Is the system hosting the embedded video integrated with Panopto as an identity provider?

  • Hi Greg,

    We are using a custom made tool for creating interactivity within video's. I developed this tool for Mediasite based on the player API because that was the platform we were using. The development was done a few years before in-video quizzing became available at most video platforms. The users authenticate at the tool via a direct SAML link to our institute's ADFS as the identity provider. Once authenticated, they must be able to view restricted video's. With Mediasite you can create an authentication ticket via the REST API and add UUID ticket as a parameter to the playback link. This authenticated playback link is then played in the interactive player so the tool provides a single sign on experience.

    Currently we are migrating from Mediasite to Panopto and I want to provide the same experience to our users. Several teachers have created a whole library of interactive video's within the tool, these video's play a large role in the blended learning approach in the courses they teach. I would very much like to just replace the Mediasite video links with the corresponding Panopto links within the database of the tool. I already created a playback element for Panopto video's based on the Panopto Embed API. This works quite nicely with unrestricted sessions but I would not want to force our teachers to make their video's publicly available. Hence I need to provide just-in-time authentication for the videos via the API or another backend.

    Another important reason to keep using our custom made tool is the possibility to embed images and videos within the questions. This is quite often used within chemistry courses and math courses to show chemical structures and mathematical formulas within the questions and the answers. This can not yet be done with Panopto quizzes.

  • Greg MathisGreg Mathis Panopto Employee
    edited 2023 03

    Apologies for the slow response over the holiday season.

    If you have ADFS configured as an identity provider in Panopto (https://support.panopto.com/s/article/adfs-saml-integration), then all you should need to do to trigger SSO is pass the following under `videoParams` when instantiating the Embed player via the Embed API:

    videoParams: {

        instance: "myADFSProviderName",



    The "myADFSProviderName" value above would be replaced with the Instance Name of the ADFS provider in Panopto.

    When instantiating the Embed iframe, the user will be bounced through the ADFS provider, where they are already logged in from authenticating to your tool, and back to the Embed, where they will now be authorized to view the video. They should not be prompted to log in again during this process.

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