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Amend request access emails to Panopto admins
Is it possible to amend the admins mailing list so the the 'Access Request' mail (see attached) is not sent to all Panopto site administrators by default when a student needs access to a certain video.
There are some Panopto system admins who do not want to receive these emails. I could not find any setting in the Admin Settings page.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Hi George,
The Support Team has access to some additional settings and could make this change for you. One of your organization's authorized points of contact with Panopto would need to open up a support ticket with the list of users to be notified. Please let me know if you'd like me to send you a list of your points of contact to get this going.
Hi Kathryn,
Many thanks for your quick response. Yes please, can you send me the list of our organisations points of contact.
I just sent you a direct message with that information. Let me know if you need any additional assistance - happy to help!
Hi Kathryn,
When I tried to send the email instead of the point of contact. I received the following message. See attached screenshot.
So, does this mean only the points of contact can send this request to [email protected]?
@George Christopher Yes, only points of contact can open support tickets.
Thanks Cathryn