Required permissions for api upload
Hello, I am trying upload a file to another users personal folder using the API. I am making the API call using an internal Panopto user with site admin access. When I try to create an blank upload session I get the following error message:
POST https://<my site>/Panopto/PublicAPI/Rest/sessionUpload
Authorization: Basic <auth token>
Content-Type: application/json
{"Message":"User does not have permission to perform the requested action. UploadId: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 SessionId: Reason: User not found","MessageID":43053,"FolderId":null,"SessionId":null}
Does my API user require more than site admin? This is the same user I am using to find the folderid via the SOAP API, so the "user not found" message seems strange.
I think we will need more information for this issue, could you or your support contact please open a support ticket at
Asher Finkel
Hello, I started a support ticket (00871072) but they told me to direct my inquiry to the API forum...
I found an error i my script and that solved the problem.