Please note: All new registrants to the Panopto Community Forum must be approved by a forum moderator or admin. As such, if you navigate to a feature that is members-only, you may receive an error page if your registration has not yet been approved. We apologize for any inconvenience and are approving new members as quickly as possible.
Service Update 2023-02-23
Service Update 2023-02-23
Please note: This update will be applied at the end of business hours on Feb 23rd for the North America, Canada, and European clouds and the end of business hours on Feb 27th for the Asia-Pacific and Australia clouds.
- Fixed an issue that could show a horizontal scroll bar when using the Panopto integration for the Microsoft Teams mobile application.
- Fixed an issue that could cause LMS integrations such as Canvas using a BLTI Identity Provider in Panopto to use the wrong value for the user name, resulting in duplicated users.
- Fixed an issue that could cause Blackboard Ultra links added to courses prior to Summer 2020 to fail to launch the Panopto Video.
- Fixed a rare issue with D2L LTI links that could cause Panopto to create duplicate users for students with different usernames in some circumstances.
- Fixed an issue that could cause duplicate users with different user names to be created from D2L if the option to use the user's email address as their Panopto username was enabled.
- Fixed an issue that could cause some older Sakai integrations to use the wrong field for a user name when creating new users in Panopto through the integration.
- Fixed an issue where pagination was not working properly on the API Clients page in the Panopto admin settings.
- Fixed an accessibility issue where screen readers would read the archived videos toggle button incorrectly.
- Fixed a visual bug where the Panopto version number would get truncated in the Help menu.
- Fixed an issue where previewing captions in the editor would show captions from all languages instead of just the currently selected language.
- Fixed screen reader accessibility for the folder selection drop-down menu.
- Fixed an issue where search results on the Share page didn't have bold style to indicate the matching text.
- Updated the explanatory text for content retention policy rules.
Version 13.14.0