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REST API- update user groups (2019-07-23)

Caitlin McCabeCaitlin McCabe Administrator

Original Post: Alexandra Neubert, Moderator, July 23, 2019 at 11:56 AM

I would like to update user groups via an automated job. Can you tell me what documentation, if any, you have for updating Panopto via REST?


Joe Malmsten, Moderator, July 24, 2019 at 4:43 PM


Apologies for the multiple replies, my links were getting removed.

We do not have REST setup for updating groups within Panopto yet.

If you are trying to work on internal groups then in the SOAP API there is an AddMembersToInternalGroup call which will allow you to add a list users in Panopto to an internal group.

AddMembersToInternalGroup(SOAP) documentation


If you are trying to update external groups then you run the risk of creating issues with any associated integrations, I would suggest opening a ticket with Panopto Support to proceed.

Here is some more information on our current APIs

Here is a link to our current REST API documentation


Here is a link to the current documentation for our SOAP API


General API documentation


Hope this helps,

Joe Malmsten



  • I would like to programmatically add users to a User Group. It's been a few years since this original thread was posted, so I'm hoping the status of this ability has changed. Is it possible to add members to a User group via REST API of SOAP? Would I update the actual User Group or directly update the User profile by adding the group id to it?

    May I get some direction and examples on how to accomplish this task?

    Thanks so much, Alex

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