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Recording stuck uploading at 99% -- close session??
in General Q&A
I have a remote recording that has been showing a status of Uploading 99% for days now. How do I fix this? I have a hunch that the status "no" under Manage ->Recording ended has something to do with it, but it's been impossible to find documentation around this on the site or forum and I didn't want to do something that would result in the loss of the session. Assistance and documentation would be appreciated.
There are certainly things that you can try, but I would recommend working with Panopto support to get it sorted. Sometimes you need to modify the XML file for the session and I wouldn't do that solo unless you've done that sort of thing before.
It is also always a good idea to get that in front of support so they can document the problem on their side.
For the bit about making sure the session is recoverable, you can always copy the directory that the session files are stored in locally. This will have everything that would be needed to rebuild.
Hi @Mirlanda Prudent,
This does sound like an issue for our Support team to investigate, as Michael suggested above - to expedite this matter and make things easier for you, I will submit a ticket on your behalf as well as make your local Panopto administrator aware of this. Please keep an eye out for correspondence regarding this matter.
If you have any additional questions, please let us know - we're always happy to help!
Best wishes,
Thanks @Caitlin McCabe,
I've taken over the management of this software and haven't been able to locate the contact information for our institution so am currently unable to submit a ticket myself. I appreciate your assistance with this! I'll keep an eye out for an email from the support team.