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Service Update 2023-05-04

Service Update 2023-05-04
Please note: This update will be applied at the end of business hours on May 4th for the North America, Canada, and European clouds and the end of business hours on May 5th for the Asia-Pacific and Australia clouds.
- Improved error messaging in Panopto Capture.
- Updated icons in the folder drop-down to match other icons used in the video library.
- Fixed an issue where Creators and Caption Requesters could not use the "Change Language" button when trying to change the language of Automatic Machine Captions due to a permissions issue.
- Fixed an issue where Preview Mode would not open when clicking on a video thumbnail.
- Fixed an issue that would cause Automatic Machine Caption jobs to get stuck with a status of "In Queue" when a user tried to use the "Change Language" option for previously imported Automatic Machine Captions.
- Fixed a rare issue where some very old videos would fail to process after editing or, if archived, could not be unarchived.
Version 13.19