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Service Update 2023-06-15 feat. LTI 1.3 General Availability and Blackboard integration updates
Please note: This update will be applied at the end of business hours on Jun 15th for the North America, Canada, and European clouds and the end of business hours on Jun 16th for the Asia-Pacific and Australia clouds.
- Enabled LTI 1.3 Identity Provider configuration options by default for the Blackboard Ultra, Canvas, D2L, and Moodle integrations. Please contact Support for help enabling and configuring LTI 1.3. Note: to use LTI 1.3 with the Moodle integration, the Course Embed, Moodle Block, LTI Button for Atto, and Student Submission plugins must be upgraded to version 2023031400.
- Removed the "Blackboard" Identity Provider type when creating a new Identity Provider, ahead of Blackboard's upcoming deprecation of building block based integrations. For all Blackboard integrations, please contact support to set up a "Blackboard Ultra" integration, which now supports both the Original and Ultra experience without a dependency on building blocks. For more information, please see Learn About the Blackboard Building Block Integration Deprecation.
- Added new functionality for Identity Providers with the "Copy course structure from LMS" option enabled, which attempts to move previously Unmapped folders to the correct hierarchy position based on the LMS course structure. Folders that cannot be moved will be placed in a new “Unmovable” folder in the Identity provider root folder. A new identity provider setting “Notify administrators on failure to copy the course structure” can be enabled to send an email with a list of the Unmovable folders.
- Implemented a new paging footer for VCMS list views, with improved accessibility.
- Improved the organization of Captions settings page links in the System menu when displayed in Spanish, Portuguese, or Italian.
- Fixed an issue introduced in Chrome version 114 where Capture blur and virtual backgrounds would always appear black.
- Fixed an issue with some analytics reports to round reported values to '0' instead of displaying very small fractions.
- Fixed an issue with the Blackboard Ultra integration that could cause duplicate LTI 1.1 tools to be created in Blackboard for the same integration if the tool creation failed to retrieve existing tools.
- Fixed an issue that could cause Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) to fail to run if Automatic Machine Captions were requested, and the ASR process had previously failed.
- Fixed an issue that could cause Automatic Machine Captions to fail if a user manually ordered them on a video’s caption page before the Automatic Speech Recognition process had run.
Version 13.22.0